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Women Friends are Priceless—and Vital

Women Friends are Priceless—and Vital

Barb Here Those Special Friends Who’ve Helped us Become the Women We Are Now Those special friends—those pre-boobs “Friends-for-Life” and those post-boobs “Forever-Friends”. Most of us have one or two or, if we’re really fortunate more women who have remained our friends through thick and thicker 

It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life

It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life

Barb Here It’s not too late to change your life. I believe that because I believe it’s not too late to change my life, and I’m working on that change. Every. Single. Day. So I believe this to be true for all of us: If you 

Why Is a Heroine a Heroine…Your Heroine?

Why Is a Heroine a Heroine…Your Heroine?

Barb wrote a nice post …… about our heroines and everyone being someone’s heroine, which made me think of the definition of the word. A heroine doesn’t need a cape, nor does the word mean “a super-woman who saves your life and/or the universe”. While 

Colonoscopy in a Box. Sounds Interesting, No?

Colonoscopy in a Box. Sounds Interesting, No?

As my mother-in-law used to say, frequently, “Getting old isn’t for sissies.”  That goes double when one contemplates screening for colon cancer. Note, this is NOT for the squeamish. Which I kind of am—squeamish, that is. In fact, I probably wouldn’t read past this paragraph, 

Our Forty-Days of De-Cluttering is Nearly Over. How’d You Do?

Our Forty-Days of De-Cluttering is Nearly Over. How’d You Do?

We pledged to get rid of one item a day for forty days. For the Teva Diva, this meant a bag of stuff every week. I also found yet another new method of folding clothes. For me, storing things more neatly is is as important 

Prioritize You

Prioritize You

Why is it that most us (women over 50) are so damn practical? It’s not really even practical I’m thinking, but utilitarian. If it doesn’t cook something, clean something, make something faster (or slower) or easier – we won’t spend the money on ourselves. We’ll