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Transition Planning

Transition Planning

In my post on Monday, I mentioned Karen and I are familiar with the signs of “transition”, having cared for my Dad during the last weeks of his life. Transition is the term used to describe the phase of life when one –well – transitions 

#10 Give Without Strings

#10 Give Without Strings

Giving without strings attached is more than giving something without receiving anything in return, it is giving without EXPECTING anything in return – which can be rarer than a Dodo sighting. How many of us can say we do something every day – or week 

#9  Move and Drink Lots of Water

#9 Move and Drink Lots of Water

I know I know I know – I need to exercise. Yes. Yes. Yes, Get off my back. I know I know I know – I need to drink more water. Yes. Yes. Yes. Do you feel like this? If you say “no”, you’re lying.

#8 Prune Your Environment

#8 Prune Your Environment

When you prune your trees and shrubs you make way for the new growth, which comes in more beautiful and stronger. Can the same be true for us? If you prune your environment, you’ll make room for yourself and new growth. After moving into the 

#7 Practice Patience

#7 Practice Patience

Not many people would say I’m a patient person. (I’d disagree, of course, but that’s for a different post.) Impatience is a stressor. Impatience causes conflict. Impatience is a result of trying to control something that is not within your control. Give up control; have 

#6 Eating Healthy …or, Banish the Bads

#6 Eating Healthy …or, Banish the Bads

Eating healthy – or just plain eating can be a difficult topic. It’s an emotional crutch for some, self-punishment for some, a reward for others.  I’m fortunate in that I’ve had a fairly good relationship with food throughout my life. That’s not to say I’ve