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Our Sixties – THE Sixties

Our Sixties – THE Sixties

We’re Barb & Lynnelle …and we used to think 60 was old. But not any more. Friends as different as night and day (& Heels and Tevas), but as close as peanut butter and jelly (& red wine and chocolate)—we know we’re not alone in 

BFFs Revisited over 60

BFFs Revisited over 60

Barb Here. You know that old kids’ song, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” Both types of friends are invaluable so I hate to imply that one is more precious than the other. (And really, silver seems 

Mirror Mirror on the Hotel Bathroom Wall

Mirror Mirror on the Hotel Bathroom Wall

Barb here. Having recently flown to Dallas and stayed in a hotel in order to help Lynnelle celebrate turning 60, I was reminded once again about my biggest hotel pet peeve: Mirrors. First, the magnified make-up mirror was not well lit. As a woman of 

Curse of the Aging Eyebrows

Curse of the Aging Eyebrows

…or – I tuned 60 and what the hell happened to my eyebrows!?! Let’s talk eyebrows. Barb here: I’m a natural blond with red highlights and wispy eyebrows and I have discovered that better eyebrows bring out my beautiful blue eyes. So guess what? I 

Weight: Time: Fortitude

Weight: Time: Fortitude

…the nicer “WTF” of weight management after 60 Barb here. A long, long time ago (five years) I wrote a post on fitness and aging for another blog. It was hilarious and brilliant. The premise was a warning to younger women that now, right now 

Life’s Lists, Shoulds and Mlle Colette

Life’s Lists, Shoulds and Mlle Colette

Barb here. Let’s talk lists. I love “To-Do-Lists! I really love crossing things off the list. (I like that so much I’ve been known to write down a completed task just so I can cross it off. Some of you will relate.)  More… I’ve used