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Divas in Paris: Art & History 1

Divas in Paris: Art & History 1

Preparing for a trip to Paris is almost as wonderful as actually being there. I’ve created a web page to document my research and keep you all posted of the agenda possibilities. I hope you’ll let me know if you’re interested in visiting Paris with 

Staycations or Be a Local Tourist

Staycations or Be a Local Tourist

Barb here.  EW and I were permanent tourists, traveling from island to harbor and harbor to island from 2010 to 2015. We were great at being tourists. Some days we planned an adventure, on others we just set out to see what would happen, with 

Women Over 60 Shouldn’t

Women Over 60 Shouldn’t

…or, Five Things Women Over 60 Shouldn’t Do  For the most part, we don’t like “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” – but there comes a time when we must put our respective feet down. Just like you shouldn’t tug on superman’s coat — here are a few more 

Thank you for Caring

Thank you for Caring

This post is brief and won’t be shared outside this blog, because you’re a special group.  We love Facebook and we love our Facebook friends and HaT page followers. But being part of the HaT Tribe, visiting here on the blog site and through the 

How to Be a Neighbor Lady

How to Be a Neighbor Lady

I grew up in small towns in Maine, and my folks certainly taught me how to be a good neighbor but I didn’t learn how to be a Neighbor Lady until we purchased our home in South Portland. There, Laurel, our back fence neighbor, took 

Transition Planning

Transition Planning

In my post on Monday, I mentioned Karen and I are familiar with the signs of “transition”, having cared for my Dad during the last weeks of his life. Transition is the term used to describe the phase of life when one –well – transitions