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Divas in Paris: Our Home

Divas in Paris: Our Home

…in Paris is confirmed!     First things first. From 15 to 19 October 2018 our home in Paris is in the 12th Arrondissement, near the Place de la Nation.  It’s a 4 bedroom, 3 bath apartment with a beautiful private terrace.  The kitchen is 

Halloween:  BOOOO!!! or BAHUMBUG

Halloween: BOOOO!!! or BAHUMBUG

With ghost tours, a plethora of workers in period costume, and pirates on every street corner, St. Augustine is made for Halloween. More… Barb here: On any given day it’s impossible to wander SA without seeing a Spanish soldier from the 1500s riding a bike 

The Affordable Healthcare Act is not Dead.  Yet.

The Affordable Healthcare Act is not Dead. Yet.

The GOP administration isn’t ‘keen’ on the Affordable Care Act (aka: ACA or aka: Obamacare) and has been trying to kill it and put something ‘better’ in place. This hasn’t happened. Yet. The Teva Diva is a participant in the ACA and has been making 

One Door Closes and Another Door Opens

One Door Closes and Another Door Opens

Early May I knew my corporate career needed to end and I gave notice. There was stress in making the decision to quit. Even though I knew it was right, there was grief ending a long and meaningful life chapter. On 1 August that door 

A Visit to the Dermatologist

A Visit to the Dermatologist

Be like the Teva Diva of Heels and Tevas—not like the Uber Driver. Watch those spots and get them early. Barb here. The other day I took an Uber ride out to my physician’s office. Charles (his real name) is an older gentleman, retired, married 

Capsule Wardrobe – Part One

Capsule Wardrobe – Part One

Lynnelle here. Moving is a good impetus for decluttering your closet and fine tuning your wardrobe. So is gaining 10 pounds or retiring from the corporate world.  When you happen to have gained 10 pounds, moved your home AND retired from the corporate world –