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Podcasting 101

Podcasting 101

Podcasting 101, in which the Divas talk about the how and why of Podcasting. Podcasts are like little (or big) radio shows online. In fact, some of my most loved NPR shows are available as podcasts. It actually boggles my own mind that I haven’t 

A Sailor’s Guide to the Galaxy (of Makeup Application)

A Sailor’s Guide to the Galaxy (of Makeup Application)

While Heels Diva Lynnelle may have makeup tips and techniques to share (a flick here – a tap, tap, tap, there), Teva Diva Barb shares the ultimate efficiency, minimalist, gitterdun-approach to makeup tools and application techniques that NOT-only a sailor could love.  Forget about fancy 

Age Delusions, I Recall

Age Delusions, I Recall

Barb here. Recently my dear husband, affectionately known on social media as EW, mentioned meeting a gentleman he described as “elderly” with whom he discussed various boating issues. As he related the conversation, clues about this “elderly” man’s age emerged. I smiled wickedly and asked, 

Is Using Anti-Aging Products “False Advertising”?

Is Using Anti-Aging Products “False Advertising”?

A recent article on the website Sixty and Me talked about a point that Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary, made. Evidently Mr. Wonderful excuses himself from the competition (He says, “I’m out”.) when a presenting entrepreneur’s product pitch promises a result he feels is, 

Women Over 60 Still Have THOSE Kinda Days

Women Over 60 Still Have THOSE Kinda Days

Just because you’re a woman over 60 doesn’t mean you don’t still have THOSE days. And, by THOSE days I mean any day you aren’t on your game. It doesn’t take a period to go off the rails. I’ve spent the last few days in 

The Spy Online May Not Love You

The Spy Online May Not Love You

Barb Here Every Online Site Could Be a Spy When we returned to the States in 2016, I was surprised to be overwhelmed by numerous technical issues. After all, we’d had a semi-smart phone that took SIM cards from various countries, an iPad, and a