Is It Hoarding If It’s Good Stuff?
Why is it so hard to get rid of stuff? At least for some of us, it’s a physically painful task to ‘declutter’. Is it hoarding? Having had over 60 years to collect, you know there’s stuff that can go.
A tribe of fun, vibrant women who USED to think 60 was old.
Why is it so hard to get rid of stuff? At least for some of us, it’s a physically painful task to ‘declutter’. Is it hoarding? Having had over 60 years to collect, you know there’s stuff that can go.
Shopping for a bathing suit is NOT fun. That’s a given, so this post is not going to go over the horrors of dressing room mirrors, dressing room lighting or the dismal chore of trying to imagine what the suit will look like without your …
Today’s Topic is brought to you by the letter “P” as in Presidents’ Day and Podcasts. Barb Here. Well, hmm, Presidents’ Day. In our day (yeah, I said it) we celebrated Lincoln’s Birthday in school and made stove pipe hats or learned the Gettysburg Address; …
What is your closest relationship? You might say your spouse or partner. You might also say your friend from school or maybe even your child. But, if we’re honest– we might actually admit that our REAL ‘can’t live without’ person, our most important relationship is …
Barb Here I live on a boat, why would I have to De-Clutter? Back in 2002, we had a major de-clutter project when we sold our home and most of our stuff to move on the boat. I was so freaking smug. “Oh, getting rid …
Well, of course the Valentine’s Day card originated in France!! Where else? Valentine’s Day Card is Born Legend has it that the Valentine’s Day card tradition dates back to 1415 and is based on love letters/poems Charles, Duke of Orleans would send his wife, Bonne …