Author: Lynnelle

Weight – It’s a Heavy Topic

Weight – It’s a Heavy Topic

Before I get started, let me say up front – it’s all relative. I get that some of you are a lot smaller, bigger, younger, older, etc., etc., etc., than I. This post is about me and my experience – which is probably not that 

Art is Everywhere in Paris

Art is Everywhere in Paris

The city of Paris is serious about keeping their city clean. In an effort to reduce litter and plastic use, you can find numerous water dispensers throughout the city; even sparkling water dispensers. They’re extremely popular and used regularly by locals and tourists alike. But, public 

The Secret to the Perfect Vacation

The Secret to the Perfect Vacation

We all want the perfect vacation. Plan as we might, sometimes things don’t go the way we expect. Reservations are made, itineraries have been mapped out, time and dollars have been budgeted and paid… and then bam. I made the apartment reservation for our October 

Timing… and Culture is Everything

Timing… and Culture is Everything

I don’t really like the saying “timing is everything”. It’s a passive outlook, forgoing any accountability in a result. It’s not the timing of “the thing” that matters, but the recognition of “the thing”.  For example I’m in Dallas visiting friends. On the way to 

Gardeners Rock

Gardeners Rock

I am humbled. To all the gardeners out there, you rock. I’m not talking about the casual, “plant a daisy or two, weekend gardeners”, although I’m sure you rock in other ways. I’m talking about those of you who take on the fight of reclaiming 

Who are you when you retire?

Who are you when you retire?

Last year I opted to quit work rather than continue jumping though wagon wheel hoops. I’m fortunate to be in the position that I don’t have to earn a ton of money to live. A year later, I’m realizing it’s a blessing – and a