Author: Lynnelle

#6 Eating Healthy …or, Banish the Bads

#6 Eating Healthy …or, Banish the Bads

Eating healthy – or just plain eating can be a difficult topic. It’s an emotional crutch for some, self-punishment for some, a reward for others.  I’m fortunate in that I’ve had a fairly good relationship with food throughout my life. That’s not to say I’ve 

#3 – Minimize Stress by Minimizing Options

#3 – Minimize Stress by Minimizing Options

You know how difficult it can be to order a meal when the restaurant menu has 10 pages of options? How about looking in your walk-in closet trying to decide what to wear among the packed and piled clothing?  What about looking in your fridge/pantry 

#2 – Unsubscribe!

#2 – Unsubscribe!

Not counting work, How many emails do you get a day? How many of you get so many that you’ve had to create a 2nd email address (or 3rd…) to start over?  As part of our 2018 focus of a more simplified and fulfilling life, unsubscribing to emails 

Simple (but not easy) Ways to Simplify Your Life

Simple (but not easy) Ways to Simplify Your Life

If you want to simplify your life, there are several simple things you do. But… it won’t be easy. Most of the time we’ll wait until January 1 and make a New Year’s resolution to make life changes. But, why? Isn’t our life as important