Author: Barb

Following Your Dream

Following Your Dream

Are you really following your dream or just playing around? The Tevas Diva once again learns something important from her husband. Barb here. How Committed Are You to Following Your Dream? When EW and I set sail in 2010, heading down the US Coast to 

You Are Someone’s Heroine

You Are Someone’s Heroine

Some of us reach the vibrant, fun age of 60 and are exactly where we want to be. Most of us still have a bit of work to do. All of us are Someone’s Heroine.

UFOs—Unfortunate Clothing Option

UFOs—Unfortunate Clothing Option

EW and I have a secret phrase when we see someone wearing a wildly inappropriate outfit. I’ll whisper, “UFO,” and tilt my head to indicate direction; EW will usually say, “UFO—Unfortunate Clothing Option?” and look. Yes, it’s judgemental and snarky. Yes, I am sometimes ashamed. 

To Text, or Not To Text

To Text, or Not To Text

To text, or not to text: that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the tiny keyboard and the misspellings of using a smartphone, Or to take arms against a sea of gibberish, And, by actually calling on the phone, end them? 

P Stands for Presidents’ Day and Podcasts

P Stands for Presidents’ Day and Podcasts

Today’s Topic is brought to you by the letter “P” as in Presidents’ Day and Podcasts. Barb Here. Well, hmm, Presidents’ Day. In our day (yeah, I said it) we celebrated Lincoln’s Birthday in school and made stove pipe hats or learned the Gettysburg Address; 

De-Cluttering With Lent (40 Days)

De-Cluttering With Lent (40 Days)

Barb Here I live on a boat, why would I have to De-Clutter? Back in 2002, we had a major de-clutter project when we sold our home and most of our stuff to move on the boat. I was so freaking smug. “Oh, getting rid