An Ode to My Tevas

An Ode to My Tevas

Barb Here (Of course)

Why Tevas?

Seriously, when we set sail for parts south, I had to find a boat/outdoor/walking sandal that would work for our lifestyle, fit my foot, not mar the boat, and provide some support on easy to medium hikes. I went through two brands of boating sandals before discovering Tevas, and while there may be others that would work, I love my Tevas. The 91/2 of every model fits me and they have a lot of useful models—from those with city polish to ones for running the rapids, to something they call “amphibious hikers”—and even a few dressier models in leather.

As you may remember, once I find a clothing item that works, I wear it until it dies. With Tevas, if I can’t find a replacement pair locally, I can purchase them online and have them sent to me. I will say that the next time we set sail to other countries, there will be an extra pair of Tevas on board, as I could find no suitable replacement in the Canary Islands, Grenada, or Trinidad, in fact, the European sandal I found was far inferior (at a similar price) and white. Ugh.

Where Tevas?

When I said Tevas are comfortable, that means I can easily bike or walk six miles or more in my Tirra model. They dry quickly (Is that important? Hello? Live on a boat!), they provide good traction on the boat and don”t mark the deck (EW has been known to test new shoes in the store to see if they mark the floor. Janitors must love him.), they͞ go with everything—if by everything you mean skorts, shorts,casual dresses and capri pants—and I do. As for stylish, I think comfort is stylish and wear my sporty model everywhere—though the town models are a bit more stylish.

Tevas Are Perfect for a Capsule Wardrobe

Heres the thing: on a boat, I don’t have space for a lot of shoes. Tevas work for me eighty percent of the time. Can you say that about anything in your closet? If not, why not? Isn’t that what a capsule wardrobe item is supposed to do?

NOTE: This post was written to present the Teva Diva’s viewpoint and to show one way she differs from the Heels Diva. We (as of this writing) receive no revenue or products from Tevas. We would, however, welcome a discussion with them. The link to the Tevas above is an affiliate link.

The Teva of Tour Busses

Lynnelle here.  

Barb’s description of the wonder Tevas reminds me of one of those bus/boats that are used for the Duck Tours; you know, those amphibian vehicles that take tourists around a city to tour on dry land and then drive directly into the water for a water-to-shore perspective.

As for Barb’s question whether there’s anything in my closet that I can wear 80% of the time. Yes, I do, but not out in public.

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